20 July 2010

Confection of the Future, seen today in draft form

As if looking into a crystal ball, we glimpse our confectionery future... just take a look at these gorgeous organically-grown, dry-farmed plums and berries (of course we mean that we don't bother to water or fertilize, but it sounds so much better the other way). What will these beauties become? Stay tuned...

In the meantime I want to tell you how much I am enjoying Katharine Weber's latest book, True Confections -- a droll, inventive, truly good read, which we rarely stumble across these days despite tromping through dozens of books every year. Available at your library (that's where I found the copy I'm reading now) and all of the usual places. Still in the early chapters, I won't divulge plot points but I will emphasize how clean and forward-propelled her writing is (from me this is HIGH praise). And when you have a mo, read her weblog, which combines many of our favorite human traits into one easy-to-digest module. Brilliant! I am well on my way to becoming her biggest fan. Golly.

Back to the adorable grindstone of recipe searching,


Jennifer said...

I am looking forward to finding this book, now that you've got my attention! Thanks Trix!

Trixie and Dustin of TheTeaDrinker.com said...

I think KW's my new favorite writer. Truly. The book is cool, and I worked in two candy shops and an ice cream parlor in my younger days and continue to be in love with sweets, so the book satisfies (no pun intended, or is it?) on several levels.

After reading this one I'm going to read some of her others, which are NOT about sweets -- when I get hooked, I get *hooked*.

Cheers, thanks for following,

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