22 July 2010

Who's Who, or, solving the tiniest of mysteries

Yeah, I know it's not a big deal, and you may not even have noticed, but I wrote earlier that Dustin would be the one reviewing Katharine Weber's True Confections. Just want to clarify: Dustin had the book, I nicked it, found it too good to hand back, and now I'm going to write the review... just as soon as I'm good 'n' ready.

So you won't have any of the plot divulged before you're ready, I advise you to run to the book store or library and read it for yourself (which, I suppose, gives you a clue about the cheerfulness of my future report).

Please do yourself one teensy favor: before you even begin to read page one, have a healthy stash of your favorite sweet things right next to your hand (the hand that isn't going to be holding the book)... you will need to be able to reach them without breaking your reading rhythm. When you are done, gather your friends and go out for more sweets! Oh yes I will, too...

Stickler for details (except when I'm not),
cheers, Trixie

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